Monday, June 14, 2010

We - Modern vs Ancients

The Green wall symbolizes the distinct separation between the city and the wild, separation of values and lifestyles.

Inside the green wall is the city, life in the city is organised and controlled. All the buildings are made out of glass and ciphers walk in fours to eliminate privacy, each individual’s schedule is organised in the "table of hours" which merges each individual into a "million-handed body" turning the "I" to "we". The ciphers inside the city become brainwashed by the Benefactor in believing that order and logic are superior to freedom and individuality.

While on the other hand the revolutionary group outside the green wall have opposite beliefs and share similar values to us. They believe in freedom, privacy and individuality.

These are two contrasting values expressed in We. D-503 is taken through a journey which opens his eyes to both sides of the green wall, creating a alluring plot for readers due to the reader having strong values similar of those outside the green wall.

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