Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Reflection on Zamyatin's We (record one)

The first impression of the book is given in the first chapter. The chapter begins by repeating word for word an article in the state paper. This allows us to gain perspective of the culture in One State. The reader begins to pick up on the totalitarian culture of One State through the irony of the tezt. "the savage state of freedom" is a stand-out phrase in this chapter because it revels that the views of the One State differ dramatically from our views. We believe that freedom is beautiful, never savaged. The use of irony allows us to make other informed assumptions of the text. There is a mathematical idiom used and we can therefore conclude that One State is a state run by mathematics and logic, where freedom and creativity is not valued. The concept of One State striked to me similar to a cult. Ciphers are brainwashed by the propaganda and are convinced that the governments views are the only right ones.

The used of first narrration will help gain a richer understanding of the text. Because the culture of One State and our culture is so different, by seeing the world in their eyes it provides a more emotional, personal attachment to the D-503 and his journey throughout the novel.

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