Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Distortion of Kien's soul (pg63)

Throughout the book we are constantly reminded about how war distorts one’s soul. Kien’s tortured soul is the main contributor to his ongoing suffering. War has slowly aged Kien physically as well as spiritually. When Kien finally catches a glimpse of his “blank” reflection in the mirror, “his wrinkles, the circles under his eyes” show Kien’s physical deterioration. Kien’s physical deterioration reflects the deterioration of his soul. Kien no longer showed interest in living his post war life. Kien becomes “bored with his university studies.” He spends the rest of his post war life drinking, to escape to the few innocent memories before the outbreak of war. Kien’s soul could never recover from the brutality of war. He can never seem to get over the past, often found himself suffering from his “poisonous nightmares” of battle. The distortion of Kein’s soul has lead to the uncontrollable nostalgia Kien is forced to live the rest of his life with.

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