Sunday, May 2, 2010

Character study: Hoa in the Sorrow of War.

How does Hoa effect Kien?

-Kien is forced to rely on Hoa even though he does not trust her
-Kien is horrid to to Hoa for her innocent mistakes
"It's not a mistake, it's a f***ing crime" Kien says
-However Hoa still desperately keeps trying to earn his forgivness
-They share a special moment together
-Hoa sacrificed her life for him by shooting dead the tracking dog

Through the behaviour Kien shows around Hoa helps us understand how war can change you. Hoa never crossed Kien, and desperately tried to gain his trust. However Kien does not let her in easily. The constant fighting and killing has made it difficult to trust easily. It is from Kien's story with Hoa that we come to see in detail the effects war has on the soldiers.

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